Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Stand Still Idea

Above you can see a page dedicated to a conceptual idea I had for adding further physical meaning and communication for the nervous system idea, This concept was to portray several small evil looking creatures attaching the nervous system, therefore a surreal interpretation for the cause of pain that some hypersensitive people go through. However, after reviewing the images I realised this style would essentially bring down the realistic quality of my work massively even if their were represented on top of a highly realistic drawing or painting. In doing this I could lead my work to looking rather commercial and illustrative which is something I didn't want to do - I wanted to communicate this project as sophisticated and real as possible. 
Because I was doubting myself and the future of the project here I decided to discuss it with my course leader and he was in agreement that I could p better than this for the rest of the project. Because of this I did leave this idea behind, but in doing it and doing it well enough the first time around, I saved myself a potential several weeks trying to push this idea and make it work. From this point onward I can exclude any ideas of similar nature to this and begin exploring more realistic and professional looking ideas.

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