Wednesday, 4 May 2016

'Normal' and 'Hypersensitive' Brain

This was an idea that I'd had early on in my sketchbook prior to much artist research. I decided that I really wanted to do this idea quite simply and at the initial stages of my sketchbook becasue I wanted anyone looking at my work to see hypersensitivity from the aspect that I view it from - it is something medical and it is often hard to pinpoint the cause of. Being overly sensitive with tactility is often linked to ASD (down to different brain activity to that of a 'normal' person) or something deeper such as problems with the the central nervous system or the release of certain chemicals in the skin such as histamine, as too much histamine can trigger an allergic response from something mild and temporary to no trigger and as a constant. Here I wanted to take an artistic approach towards what hyper tactility can be the cause of for some people - above we see a perfectly normal painting of  a brain scan inspired by images from the internet. I then took this and created a duplicate in a less technical and more abstract way. The drips and splats were inspired by jackson pollock as much of his work was created in a time of pain and depression, and I created a link between the two i order to produce a brain can that is chaotic and out of control. The ideology behind this was to show from my own experiences how you can feel during an episode of extreme hyper tactility - your brain feels like it is setting all of the alarms off and allowing your body to lose complete control and cause nothing but discomfort via itch, constraint, muscular contraction and anxiety. 

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