Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The above images show the entirety of the photos and the process that I have gone through in order to create the 6 finalised images with all editing and refining complete. 

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Final piece development

Here shows the development stages of my sketchbook and how I came to the conclusion of some ideas for my final piece before researching artistic poses for the final photo shoot of the base images for my final piece.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Artistic Influence Interpretation

Painting From Primary Photos Photo-shoot

My Experience With Clothing

Disrupted Nerves Physical Experimentation

After a peer review of my sketchbook I realised that I was lacking in sampling and I was quickly falling behind in quantity due to the fact that I was stuck of small ideas and trying to make them of high quality when ideas down need to be refined and finalised at this point in the sketchbook. For this reason I decided that I would now try and simply have fun with the project and this concept and begin making some 3D samples. 
Due to the fact that I am thinking so much about my hypersensitivity I am looking back on so many sensations and feelings that I had when I was younger in relation to the them of my FMP in order to potentially bring about some fresh ideas. From doing this I kept thinking about both good and bad physical feelings and how hypersensitivity can sometimes be a good thing as many good feelings can be heightened in a good way. One feeling that I remember really enjoying was peeling dried PVA glue from my hands as a child, and I know of many other people that enjoyed this feeling too. This memory had got me thinking, and I realised that this feeling can have two sides to it in that the feeling is good when you know the glue is just glue, but when you peel off dried glue in the context of a wound of something painful on the skin you feel very uncomfortable. I love that this ideas has the two sides of something beautiful like a childhood memory and how it can be switched to something you wouldn't expect and it to be so ugly. 

Stand Still Idea

Above you can see a page dedicated to a conceptual idea I had for adding further physical meaning and communication for the nervous system idea, This concept was to portray several small evil looking creatures attaching the nervous system, therefore a surreal interpretation for the cause of pain that some hypersensitive people go through. However, after reviewing the images I realised this style would essentially bring down the realistic quality of my work massively even if their were represented on top of a highly realistic drawing or painting. In doing this I could lead my work to looking rather commercial and illustrative which is something I didn't want to do - I wanted to communicate this project as sophisticated and real as possible. 
Because I was doubting myself and the future of the project here I decided to discuss it with my course leader and he was in agreement that I could p better than this for the rest of the project. Because of this I did leave this idea behind, but in doing it and doing it well enough the first time around, I saved myself a potential several weeks trying to push this idea and make it work. From this point onward I can exclude any ideas of similar nature to this and begin exploring more realistic and professional looking ideas.