Thursday, 21 April 2016

Inspirational images

Here is a mood board of imagery that reflects the way I currently believe I'd like to approach my work. The clear discomfort that is received from viewing these images is a style that really resonates with me as it captures an element of how I feel during uncomfortable situations, such as the sheer discomfort of allowing anything so tight on the skin that it leaves an impression on the skin itself, or feeling like the skin is being pin pricked on the days that 

My theme - Hypersensitivity 

For my FMP I have chosen the theme of hypersensitivity which is an aspect in the autistic spectrum. It can effect each sufferer differently and to varying severity - it as all very personal, from how the condition affects them physically and medically as well as how they cope with it personally. For me, I am on the lower end of the autistic spectrum and struggle with its symptoms on an entirely personal level, therefore from an outside perspective there is seemingly nothing wrong with me. However, my entire life I have suffered with extreme sensitivity, mainly that in tactile nature (however it also incorporates difficulties with sounds and speak). This means that for me it is hard to wear many types of clothing that cling too closely to the skin or are made from materials where I simply feel every fiber, wrinkle and crease, like sand paper. As a result I often feel very self conscious in how I present myself as I cannot wear clothing that shows my form in what I see as a 'beautiful way' as garments such as bras and skinny jeans lead to such discomfort that I can't help but voice it, and to those around me with little knowledge of how my discomfort differs to theirs, they simply see it as complaining.

Hypersensitivity is a huge part of my life and makes up a lot of who I am without my own consent. This becomes all the more difficult when so many people look at me and do not know the reason why I am tugging at my clothing, scratching my skin and pulling my hair in frustration, and this is all simply down to a lack of awareness. For this reason, I want this to be the driving force of my FMP, I want to give awareness of this condition and just how difficult it is to deal with on a daily bases.

It is an endless battle that I deal with personally, so I want more than anything to bring this to light, to show people the reality, to look like someone in need of understanding rather than an avid complainer to avoid.